Reviews & News

The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment

Cover - The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment


The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment is one of those genre-defining porn games (think something along the lines of CuntWars).


First, you need to choose if you want to play the main game or side stories.

The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - stories 1
The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - stories 2


Gameplay-wise, The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment is among the most well-crafted games we have ever reviewed.

The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - game play 1
The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - game play 2
The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - game play 3
The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - game play 4
The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment - game play 5

Key Features:

  • Sissification made sexy and fun
  • Lots of text to help you feel the immersion
  • Beautiful art style